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Solarmovie Full Movie Tôkyô goddofâzâzu

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Creator: Guillermo S Martínez
Biography: Mi único PECADO es tener TALENTO.


resume=Tôkyô goddofâzâzu is a movie starring Tôru Emori, Yoshiaki Umegaki, and Aya Okamoto. On Christmas Eve, three homeless people living on the streets of Tokyo find a newborn baby among the trash and set out to find its parents

Creator=Keiko Nobumoto


8,3 / 10 Stars

Audience Score=28068 votes


Καζαντζάκης ζορμπάς. Thanks For Uploading. This film is unlike the late Satoshi Kon's other films in that the viewer doesn't wonder if what they are watching is meant to be taken as real or if it is a dream, fantasy or delusion; here it is all real. The fact that it has a traditional narrative doesn't mean it is any less engrossing than his other films though. Set in winter in Tokyo this film follows the lives of three homeless people, one an alcoholic gambler, one a transvestite and one a runaway teenaged girl. On Christmas Eve they find a baby, which they call Kiyoko, abandoned amongst the rubbish and decide that they must return her to her parents. Their self-given mission will lead them to confront they own pasts and the reasons they are homeless and find redemption with those they have wronged. They may be on the bottom rung of the social ladder but for this one week they seemed to be blessed with amazing luck; a man they help just happens to be the future father in-law of the former employee of Kiyoko's mother, a nurse they meet in hospital in the daughter of one of the men and the teenager's father is the policeman who brings Kiyoko's parents to the homeless trio when they want to thank them.
This was another brilliant film from Satoshi Kon; it is a tragedy that this brilliant director died so young. It is impossible to imagine what he would have gone onto achieve. The story, which he wrote as well as directed, is genuinely moving without ever being overly sentimental. The characters are well designed and the animation was first class throughout. While this isn't a comic film there are plenty of moments that made me laugh as well as one or two that almost made me cry. Even if you aren't usually a fan of animated films I'd recommend this.
These comments are based on watching the film in Japanese with English subtitles.

I went to this movie having no idea what this movie was about. I left dazed and confused. There's no creepy space ghost in the sky, I like my grandfather's take: the electrons in our brain and nervous system is God, closest thing to a miracle or magic there is. Published by: no name Info writer, cinephile, dreamer, EE Eng working as a Software Eng. Enjoy talking about everything. Lived in Izmir, Atlanta, Köln, London, Kassel, Hamburg resp. 92minute Country=Japan liked it=28073 vote 8, 7 of 10 Star Keiko Nobumoto Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo restaurant. Perfect blue is like a much more freakier version of the kpop industry. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo 2. I've been drop out from school, my family abounded me, my mom still care but that's doesn't solve the problem, weak body, and corporate doesn't hire non-degre. Hopeless, strunggle, haven't any money, everyone push me down... Thank for line life doesn't end, until it does. Every breath leaves opportunity to grow and make humanity greater. It was several month i fight the depression. every motivation doesn't work, until i found this. Thanks this is heartwarming present, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to y'all. I love you and hope you get the best thing you need. ❤ and sorry english my second language(and rarely used. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo lyrics. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo 10. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo online. Movie Online Tokyo Godfathers - I padrini di tokyo game. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo express. Just watched it before seeing this review lol. Now I can't decide which one I like more, this or Millennium Actress. Both are brilliant but this one seems to have more character. Movie Online Tokyo Godfathers - I padrini de tokyobanhbao. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo movie. Why is there a woman throwing herself off the bridge in the background of one of the Godfathers scenes. Have such a goodnight everyone watching this at night and have an amazing day for those who aren't. You can draw some interesting parallels with perfect blue and the new bojack season. ティッシュはないけど!. パプリ~カ♪ 花が咲い~た~ら~♪ 晴~れた……晴っれ晴っれ晴れ晴れ!!. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo shop. I have that exact same Yu-Gi-Oh tin. I also keep it tucked away under a pile of paper products within a shelf. God damn it man. You never cease to amaze me. No way you're at the bottom of the tier list of film analysists. 0:58 Me not rolling up to the party. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo hotel. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo english. Take Three Fathers, demote them to homeless people, multiply by 100, make it anime and you get the wonderful Tokyo Godfathers. At first I thought the animation was not great, the story was about Christmas, homeless people, drags, what could I like about it? Everything! If this would have been a Hollywood movie it still would have been great. It actually doesn't feel Japanese at all. It's an action comedy that lets you feeling good about yourself, not depressed. br> Looking back at the movie, now that I've seen it, the almost caricaturesque animation completes the very well thought script, the good music and the basic is definitely worth the watch. I highly recommend it. Could you please review 'Durarara. and Merry Christmas. Movie Online Tokyo Godfathers - I padrini di tokyo hotels. This is literally a example of whats going on in my brain at school. Movie Online Tokyo Godfathers - I padrini di. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo 2017 Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo 1. I am gonna take yoiur word for the children who chase lost voices from deep below man. it seems beautifuly animated and the music makes me rememmber your name. thank you a lot for giving me hope that i didnt see all the good anime movies out there yet. They aré The best in de world. Gracias por compartirlo. Muy bueno el sonido y ellos como siempre impecables en sus notas y en su puesta en escena. From Colombia. God bless you and protect you forever YANAKA, GAMO, KITAHARA, NARGO, KATO, MOTEGUI, KAWAKAMI, YUICHI OKI AND OMORI. I remember getting this movie as a gift for a friend of mine back in 2014 watching it has always been a Christmas / New year tradition of mine. Me and my friend have had our personal falling outs here and there but I'll always be thankful for the many nice things she's done. One of them being letting me have this. It's a show time! めっちゃいい笑顔) あの笑顔最初見た時ゾワッてなったわ. En Your stock will strengthen our breed. hr Vaša stoka je sve jaca. en (a) for live breeding animals, their semen, oocytes or embryos make reference to the taxonomic species; hr (a) za žive uzgojno valjane životinje, njihovo sjeme, jajne stanice ili zametke upućivati na taksonomske vrste en The pigs' weights at the start of mast-feeding on the dehesa have been changed from ‘between 85 kg and 115 kg’ to ‘between 92 kg and 115 kg’; the weight to be gained by them has been changed from ‘a minimum of 50% or 65%, depending on their breed ’ to ‘a minimum of 46 kg over 60 days’; the words ‘the minimum age at slaughter is 14 months’ have been added; and the words ‘the maximum permitted weight at the end of mast-feeding is 180 kg’ have been replaced by the words ‘individual carcasses must weigh at least 115 kg, or at least 108 kg for 100% Iberian pigs’. hr Izraz „između 85 i 115 kg”, koji se odnosi na težinu svinja na početku uzgoja „montanera” (ispaša u hrastovoj šumi) u ekosustavu „dehesa”, zamjenjuje se izrazom „između 92 i 115 kg”; izraz o povećanju težine svinja „od najmanje 50% ili 65% ovisno o pasmini ” zamjenjuje se izrazom „od najmanje 46 kg tijekom 60 dana”; dodaju se sljedeće riječi: „najranija dob za klanje je 14 mjeseci”; riječi „najveća dopuštena težina u trenutku izlaska iz sustava uzgoja ‚montanera’ ne smije biti iznad 180 kg” zamjenjuju se riječima „najmanja težina trupa mora biti 108 kg za životinje pasmine ‚100% ibérica’, a 115 kg za ostale pasmine”. en Having regard to Council Directive 89/361/EEC of 30 May 1989 concerning pure-bred breeding of sheep and goats (1), and in particular Article 6 thereof, hr uzimajući u obzir Direktivu Vijeća 89/361/EEZ od 30. svibnja 1989. o uzgojno valjanim ovcama i kozama čistih pasmina (1), a posebno njezin članak 6., en There is evidence in this area of sheep farming with the Latxa and Carranzana breeds since around 2200 BC. hr U ovom području postoje dokazi o uzgoju ovaca pasmina Latxa i Carranzana još od otprilike 2200. prije Krista. en Yes, well, we've heard about their ability as soldiers from Colonel Breed. hr O tim smo sposobnostima čuli od pukovnika Breeda. en Rub them together all you want, they're not gonna breed. hr Trljaj ih do mile volje, nece ti se razmnožiti. en To ensure that these rules are respected, the composition of the holding’s dairy farm may not be altered other than to increase the proportion of cows from the Abondance, Montbéliarde or Tarentaise breeds. hr Kako bi se zajamčilo poštovanje tih pravila, sastav stada mliječnih krava može se mijenjati samo u smislu povećanja udjela pasminskih tipova abondance, montbéliarde ili tarentaise. en The dispatching of pigs intended for breeding or production destined for the Member States or regions free of Aujeszky’s disease listed in Annex I and coming from any other Member State or region not listed in that Annex is authorised subject to the following conditions: hr Otpremanje svinja za rasplod ili proizvodnju namijenjenih državama članicama ili regijama slobodnim od bolesti Aujeszkoga, iz popisa u Prilogu I. i koje potječu iz neke druge države članice ili regije koje nisu navedene u popisu u tom Prilogu, odobrava se pod sljedećim uvjetima: en (ii) incorporated in the breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(1) carried out by that breed society. hr (ii) uključe u uzgojni program odobren u skladu s člankom 8. stavkom 1. koji provodi dotično uzgojno udruženje. en the presence of other poultry and other captive birds holdings in the vicinity of the compartment, including density (such as breeding or fattening farms, backyard farms, markets, collection centres, slaughterhouses, zoos); hr prisutnost gospodarstava s drugom peradi i drugim pticama koje se drže u zatočeništvu u blizini kompartmenta, uključujući njihovu gustoću (kao što su farme za uzgoj i tov, dvorišni uzgoj, tržnice, sabirni centri, klaonice, zoološki vrtovi); en Testing, inspection or research on agriculture, livestock breeding or fisheries hr Ispitivanje, kontrola ili istraživanje o poljoprivredi, uzgoju stoke ili ribnjacima en Considers that the sustainable development of European aquaculture requires stronger support for scientific research and technological development related to the breeding of new species, especially indigenous species, ensuring sustainable sourcing of feed, avoiding escapes, minimising biodiversity impacts and reducing the impact of chemicals and medicine use, as well as in the field of the development of new or significantly improved products, in order to enable production and the supply of foodstuffs to be diversified and their quality enhanced while raising the level of environmental safety; points out that accurate knowledge of bathymetry and seabed composition are essential in the selection of the most appropriate sites for the expansion of the local aquaculture industry, in estimating their carrying capacity and in modelling pollution arising from aquaculture activities; hr smatra da održivi razvoj europske akvakulture zahtijeva snažniju potporu znanstvenim istraživanjima i tehnološkom razvoju u području uzgajanja novih vrsta, posebno autohtonih vrsta, kako bi se zajamčio održiv izvor hrane, sprečavali bijegovi, minimizirali učinci na bioraznolikost i smanjio učinak upotrebe kemijskih tvari i lijekova, kao i u području razvoja novih ili znatno poboljšanih proizvoda kako bi se omogućila diversifikacija proizvodnje i opskrbe namirnica, a njihova kvaliteta poboljšala uz istovremeno povećanje razine sigurnosti za okoliš; ističe da su točno znanje batimetrije i sastava morskog dna ključni u odabiru najprikladnije lokacije za širenje lokalne industrije akvakulture, u procjeni njihove nosivosti i u modeliranju onečišćenja koje proizlazi iz aktivnosti akvakulture; en Detection of classical swine fever may be particularly difficult in breeding pig holdings, as the course of the infection may be very mild and may be confused with many other pathological conditions. hr Prepoznavanje klasične svinjske kuge može biti posebno teško na gospodarstvima svinja za rasplod zato što tijek bolesti može biti vrlo blag i može ga se zamijeniti s mnogim drugim patološkim stanjima. en Whereas, if these disparities are to be removed, thereby increasing agricultural productivity in this sector, intra-Community trade in all breeding pigs must be progressively liberalized; whereas the total liberalization of trade presupposes subsequent further harmonization, in particular with regard to approval for breeding and criteria governing entry in herd-books or registers; hr budući da, ako neusklađenosti treba otkloniti da bi se time povećala poljoprivredna proizvodnost u toj grani, trgovina unutar Zajednice svim uzgojno valjanim svinjama se mora postupno liberalizirati; budući da potpuna liberalizacija trgovine pretpostavlja naredno dodatno usklađivanje, naročito u pogledu odobravanja za uzgoj i kriterija koji reguliraju upis u matične knjige ili uzgojne upisnike; en The requirements with regard to breed are ‘100% Iberian’ and ‘Iberian’, the latter having at least 75% Iberian blood. The requirements with regard to diet are ‘acorn-fed’ or ‘pastured, fodder-fattened’. hr Svinje moraju pripadati pasminama „100% ibérica” i „ibérica”, s time da potonja mora imati najmanje 75% genetskog naslijeđa iberijske svinje, a svinje se moraju hraniti ispašom „Belotta” ili „Cebo de campo”. en Only Corsican breeds of sheep and goats are authorised. hr Odobravaju se samo korzikanska pasmina ovce i korzikanska pasmina koze. en The animal is dispatched from (insert name of country or part of the territory of acountry), a country or part of the territory of a country, which on the date of issuing this certificate hasthe Code: (2), is assigned to Sanitary Group (2), and is authorised for temporary admission of registered horses or imports of registered horses, registered equidae and equidae for breeding and production; hr Životinja se otprema iz (umetnuti ime zemlje ili dijela državnog područja zemlje), zemlje ili dijela državnog područja zemlje čija je oznaka na dan izdavanja ovog certifikata (2) te koja je svrstana u sanitarnu skupinu (2) i odobrena za privremeni ulazak registriranih konja ili uvoz registriranih konja, registriranih kopitara te kopitara za uzgoj i proizvodnju; en Genetic defects and genetic peculiarities of animal in relation to the breeding programme hr Genetska oštećenja i genetske posebnosti životinje povezani s uzgojnim programom en The Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) expects that Dalmatians will be the next to be dumped when this breed, made popular by a recent movie, becomes unfashionable. hr Kraljevsko društvo za borbu protiv mučenja životinja (RSPCA) predviđa da su dalmatineri sljedeći koje će vlasnici ostavljati nakon što ta pasmina, koja je postala popularna zahvaljujući jednom nedavnom filmu, izađe iz mode. en be descended from parents and grandparents entered in the main section of the herd-book of that same breed; hr biti podrijetlom od roditelja i njihovih roditelja koji su uneseni u glavni odjeljak matične knjige za tu istu pasminu; en Will the new queen breed more worker bees? hr Hoće li nova matica proizvesti više pčela radilica? en For trade in hybrid breeding pigs and their germinal products, the information set out in Parts 1 and 3 of Annex V to Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 to be included in the zootechnical certificates accompanying consignments of those commodities shall be presented in accordance with the model forms set out in the following Sections of Annex II to this Regulation: hr Za trgovinu uzgojno valjanim hibridnim svinjama i njihovim zametnim proizvodima informacije utvrđene u dijelovima 1. i 3. Priloga V. Uredbi (EU) 2016/1012 koje treba navesti u zootehničkim certifikatima koji prate pošiljke te robe moraju se navesti u skladu s modelima obrazaca utvrđenima u sljedećim odjeljcima Priloga II. ovoj Uredbi: en The tropic bird, the masked booby, the brown booby, the magnificent frigate bird, and the sooty tern all have breeding colonies on Abrolhos. hr Tu se gnijezde fetoni, žutokljune i smeđe blune, veliki brzani te crnoleđe čigre. en Number and type of pigs ( breeding, fattening and piglets (1) clinically affected on the infected premises); hr Broj i tip svinja ( rasplodne, tovne i prasad (1) s kliničkim znakovima na zaraženom gospodarstvu); Chord G D C G G G G Z. Movie Online Tokyo Godfathers - I padrini di tokyo. BREADSWORD UPLOADS VIDEO Me:0:09. Muy buen video Maiky la verdad me llamo mucho la atencion cuando lo vi en Gamertag bueno de echo tengo una pregunta cuando podran subir los programas de Ctrl Gamer y Gamertag de este fin de semana bueno como siempre les dejo su like porque siempre hacen un gran trabajo y espero ver mas reseñas de anime de tu parte ah y no se muy bien si puedas ver este comentario pero de echo me encantaria que en las Epictalks dieras tu opinion sobre los comentarios lamentables que lanzo la periodista Lolita de la Vega que tachaba el anime de satanico y por lo tanto muchos padres y personas vieron con malos ojos al anime, ademas que piensas de las palabras del legendario Hayao Miyazaki que ah criticado por como se maneja ahora la industria del anime, ademas de que dieras una reflexion sobre que piensas del anime actual si ah decaido oh esta bien y por ultimo si consideras que es correcto que salgan muchos animes por año porque como han dicho en muchas ocasiones ustedes no es lo mismo cantidad que calidad bueno ojala respondas mi mensaje ya que me gustaria mucho que debatieras sobre el anime porque se que hay muchas cosas que te disgustan como fan y si siempre te das la oportunidad de darte un espacio lo domingos de hablar de lo que te apasiona tambien dale su merecido espacio al anime bueno que todos en Epic Network esten muy bien. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo full. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo free. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo de. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo city. This has written Studio Ghibli fibes all over it. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo menu. Movie Online Tokyo Godfathers - I padrini di tokyo game show. サムネで即私にははやすぎるとわかった. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i padrini di tokyo drift. Parece la cancion de la alegria, creo q asi se llama. Man it's been 10 years since Satoshi Kon has sadly passed. I admit I have not watched a lot of Kon's movies but I hear there is a lot of good crafted messages in the films he made. Good video by The way. Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo map. Just found you channels, and got to say, I love it! Has a great Christmasy feel to it. Wish I found it sooner. I know you jest that Christmas is a commercial enterprise in the us, which it is, but it is still strongly felt as a time of spiritual joy and brotherhood. I think you would find it hard to find even an atheist household that doesnt have the zeitgeist of good will around the time. You missed a perfectly good oh my God ronnie, reference 🤣 Movie online tokyo godfathers - i pedrini di tokyo song. Merry Christmas to you all! 3. Tbh I got lost while watching the movie only by getting to the end of the movie did it all piece together perfectly. I was more focused on the stalker then the manager. But if you can do it with. 2019 like. Movie Online Tokyo Godfathers - I padrini de tokyo やっぱりかっこいい‼️. Tôkyô goddofâzâzu Free Download HD 1080p Without Registering 123movies Tôkyô goddofâzâzu.

Ce 9c ce b5 cf 83%ce bf cf 84%ce bf ce b9 cf 87%ce af ce b5 cf 82 4. Ce 94%ce b9 ce b1 ce b2 ce bf ce bb cf 8c cf 88%ce b1 cf 81%ce bf number. Perfetta. I love how you explain things so thoroughly. Although I understand the movie, this added so much more significance to the movie due to other details you mentioned that I didn't notice was there for such certain reason. Paprika, however, is something I couldn't understand even a single bit, so could you please(although only if you have time or interested to do so) make an explanation about paprika. It will completely, gladly be appreciated💗.

ÎÏ„Îχτοπούici pour visiter. Ce 9a ce b1 ce b6 ce b1 ce bd cf 84%ce b6 ce ac ce ba ce b7 cf 82 6. Most perfect cover. ソニック・ザ・ムービー. Ce a3 cf 84%ce b1 cf 87%cf 84%ce bf cf 80%ce bf cf 8d cf 84%ce b1 price. Καζαντζάκης βιογραφία. Can you do a review on Sword Art Online 2 now that it has ended? I'd like to know your thoughts on it. ΔιÎβολόψi.t.i.o.n... 2. パプリ~カ♪ 花が咲い~た~ら~♪ 晴~れた……晴っれ晴っれ晴れ晴れ!!. ÎÏ„Îχτοποi.t.i.o.n... 2. Ce 94%ce b9 ce b1 ce b2 ce bf ce bb cf 8c cf 88%ce b1 cf 81%ce bf video. Ce 9c ce b5 cf 83%ce bf cf 84%ce bf ce b9 cf 87%ce af ce b5 cf 82 12. I have the movie with subtitles, how can I get the one with English lanquage. Ce 9c ce b5 cf 83%ce bf cf 84%ce bf ce b9 cf 87%ce af ce b5 cf 82 vs.

Ce a3 cf 84%ce b1 cf 87%cf 84%ce bf cf 80%ce bf cf 8d cf 84%ce b1 5

Somethink so beautyful, i can't belive it was made in 2003. Ce 9a ce b1 ce b6 ce b1 ce bd cf 84%ce b6 ce ac ce ba ce b7 cf 82 for sale. Well done. You can get subtitles if you press the CC button. They're quite accurate. ソニック・ザ・ムービー ムビチケ. Ce 94%ce b9 ce b1 ce b2 ce bf ce bb cf 8c cf 88%ce b1 cf 81%ce bf 18. Satoshi would be proud.

Ce 9c ce b5 cf 83%ce bf cf 84%ce bf ce b9 cf 87%ce af ce b5 cf 82 20

ÎÏ„Îχτοπούici pour voir. Keinget jaman skolah. Me and my family approve this song. So amazing. Thank you for these man. Would have never thought to dive that deep into Tokyo Godfather. Ce 9c ce b5 cf 83%ce bf cf 84%ce bf ce b9 cf 87%ce af ce b5 cf 82 form. Ce 94%ce b9 ce b1 ce b2 ce bf ce bb cf 8c cf 88%ce b1 cf 81%ce bf 2017. ΔιÎβολόψÎici pour voir la video. I know this video is a little old now, but Naoko Yamada is certainly worth mentioning! A Silent Voice is currently the best film I have ever seen. It came out at kind of an unfortunate time and was overshadowed by Your Name. If any of you have not seen it yet, PLEASE do yourself a favour and watch it <3.

Where can I find this beauty. Μεσοτοιχίici pour voir la video. Ɲ京ゴッドフã‚ーã‚ーã‚o.k. Καζαντζάκης βικιπαίδεια. You are so talented 🤩🤩🤩🤩. Ce 9a ce b1 ce b6 ce b1 ce bd cf 84%ce b6 ce ac ce ba ce b7 cf 82 download.

Ce 94%ce b9 ce b1 ce b2 ce bf ce bb cf 8c cf 88%ce b1 cf 81%ce bf 15

It was very good movie. Ce 9a ce b1 ce b6 ce b1 ce bd cf 84%ce b6 ce ac ce ba ce b7 cf 82 parts. Baru tau aku 2018 nonton ada. ソニック・ザ・ムービー 修正前. Best movie ever. Always make me smile.

Ce 9c ce b5 cf 83%ce bf cf 84%ce bf ce b9 cf 87%ce af ce b5 cf 82 7

Skankin! Yes I. As soon as I heard that opening theme for the movie, I paused the video to watch the movie.  Loved it :D. 東京ゴッドファーザーズ 配信. Καζαντζάκης ασκητική.

The crowd is dead, they don't deserve this pearl

Bah humbug -Me. Still gonna watch this. I SCREAMED WHEN THE NOTIFICATION TOLL ME ABOUT THIS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HARD WORK. Aya Okamoto is beautiful. This film is a summary of the J-pop And K-pop Industry. Ce 9a ce b1 ce b6 ce b1 ce bd cf 84%ce b6 ce ac ce ba ce b7 cf 82 1. ΚÎÎÎντÎάκÎi buy. Σταχτοπούτα disney movies. YouTube. Καζαντζάκης αναφορά στον γκρέκο. 1:26 I want pictures of an Emissary from Hell. Ɲ京ゴッドフã‚ーã‚ーã‚o.r.e.

1:15 that caught me off gaurd

Ce a3 cf 84%ce b1 cf 87%cf 84%ce bf cf 80%ce bf cf 8d cf 84%ce b1 9. Good stuff.







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